Study Tips
After knowing of the problems that make us lazy to learn, now we can open the book. But before that, it's good we read the following tips. So that we learn to make a comfortable and indolent course.
1. Conditions make the body we become fresh, with the same mind, we also create more fresh. Bath, is one way.
2. Find the most comfortable atmosphere in the garden can be, in the solitude. Usually also play music that helps us feel and be comfortable. Clean and trim room, this helps to concentrate more.
3. Make notes of what little you find. This will help make it easier to remember and when repeat again, do not need to read the entire contents, just the notes that you have created. May also have things that do not understand or answer questions that arise when reading, with a note that you can just ask a friend or a teacher without having to store them in memory for you. Save the ones you use memory, save energy.
4. create relationships that occur from the records is small, make the connection between the records are. Create a framework that describes the kind of start and end. This helps to understand what is actually or understand the lessons learned, so you trained the brain to analyze a problem and how to find them.
5. Avoid rapid operation in the night This will make the body so you fell dizzy and sick. Human brain that have a limit, so can not be forced to work constantly and simultaneously. Why? Because the brain is designed to work efficiently, when there is a new understanding, the understanding of the old will be removed and replaced a new one. Understanding that we are gradually acquired an increasingly long will the good. This is called the ability to learn.
6. Our brain needs a rest break, if already saturated, rest a few moments to relax muscles, including the eye. After that a new start again. That way the brain does not feel we will survive long enough to learn.
7. Make a conclusion on the conclusion of each end of the learning activities. Thus you will get the core of what has been the overall response.
8. Continuous learning and learning it a requirement, such as eating, sleeping, playing games and so on. Beside so smart, this will train the brain to understand the critical and fast new things.
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